Carrying the baby influences its psychological development in multiple ways. In the first place, bodily proximity gives the child warmth as well as familiar sounds and movements that soothe him. When the proximity needs are satisfied, the child is calm. He can thus devote his energy not to his own protection and survival (resulting in the secretion of stress hormones), but to his development and progressive discovery of his environment while cradled in a protective environment. Proximity gives the child the bodily contact and affection that he needs. It is especially in the first moments after birth when body-to-body contact is decisive.

First of all, children need physical contact: being attached to their mother in order to learn to move away from her later. The fact of giving him all the love helps him become a calm and secure being, who will later be independent. A calm baby cries less and falls asleep more easily. Also, having spent nine months in the womb makes the child want to recover from this gentle rocking movement. The baby is a being that wants to be carried, as evidenced by the grasping and flexing reflexes, present from birth. Physical contact gives the child a feeling of well-being.

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Secondly, the dialogue with parents and the social skills that they will develop thanks to this, are key elements in their psychological development and in their future well-being. Parents are likely to talk more to a child being carried at their height than to a child in a stroller, for example. This increased dialogue promotes language development and can especially benefit children with speech problems.

This proximity will also contribute to the improvement of the rational and emotional life of the child. Through the caresses of her parents, the child will understand that he is worthy of being loved and that there will always be close people willing to help and receive help when necessary.